Tuesday 29 November 2016

Siteurbix.com Different Diets

The short answer: lose weight and burn fat is best done through sustained cardio and/or by eating less. Lean body muscle building works best with strength training. The combination of both is to burn fat and build muscle mass. If you want to burn fat you need to simply eat less than you need (negative energy). Want to know exactly how it is? Then read the article.

How come your heavier? 

First, it is important to know how it is that you are heavier. your body uses and stores the energy you take in through food and drink. If you have more eating and drinking than you need, your body stores it in fat or muscle mass. 
Losing weight can be done in several ways: to eat less and/or by increasing your physical activity (sport and exercise). 
Below is an overview of the latest scientific literature about which method is best.
Endurance training (cardio)
Endurance training (more than 60 minutes per session) is a very effective method of losing weight. Research shows that people are able to lose a half kilos of fat in eight weeks by weekly cardio sessions. 
[2] A scientific review article shows that to lose weight obese people NEED to do endurance training weekly. Without adjustment an average of 3 kilos was lost for each of the participants of the diet in 30 weeks.
[3]. The effect is far greater when the participants also follow a healthy diet and have less to eat. Endurance training is thus a method of losing weight, but not the best method. I do explain later in this article.
Intensity, duration or interval?
Interval training is often used to improve the condition because it takes less time, and is found to be very effective to burn fat. 
Endurance and interval training both deliver health benefits, namely increased insulin sensitivity, increased burning of fatty acids and a healthier cardiovascular system. 
[5] However, research shows that interval training is more effective than endurance training. 
[6] Interval training is often shorter, so the extra calories burned are outweighed by longer endurance training. If an athlete managed to do interval training for as long as endurance training, then far more calories are burned, at the end of the line.
It is striking that most participants reported that they found an interval workout more enjoyable than endurance training 
[7]. Therefore choose a training method that you like so you can last longer. This way you will end up burning more calories, which leads to a lower fat percentage.

Go even more effective to work. Get good results with our special training and feeding schedules. Take a look at the FIT. Method. More than 200 pages of schedules and information to get started.
Weight training
Strength training is the most effective way to burn calories, but it has several important advantages. Strength training can improve bone density and if you do it right, you develop more muscle. 
Against my expectations strength training leads to minimal weight loss. Various studies show that neglecting the effect of strength training on weight loss. Interesting, because I always thought that strength was a perfect way to lose weight-not so true! How is this possible?
Strength training causes your body composition changes. If you're trying to lose weight through strength it may be that your weight remains the same, because you lose fat is offset by increased muscle mass.

Research  you can conclude that prolonged cadiotraining (endurance training) certainly is effective for burning fat, but also leads to a small loss of muscle (lean body mass). 
[2] Those muscles ensure that your metabolism is maintained, making it easier to lose weight or stay on weight. 
[3]. Ask you whether this is the healthiest method. Researchers compared a group who did this to a group who did strength training only on cardio. The latter group lost a little bit of fat and got a lot of muscle. However, the first group lost both a considerable amount of fat and also extra muscle developed; a win-win situation!
Healthy weight loss is to burn fat and maintain or increase your muscle!
Of course, you do not necessarily have to be a beefcake, but that extra muscle makes it easier to lose weight and looks  sleeker.
This is confirmed by another study in obese women, which has been discovered that the combination of strength training and cardio training is more effective than either strength training or cardio. 
[1] This makes sense, because you burn more calories when you do both. Research has shown that a combination of the two does lead to better control of blood sugar levels and an increased number of red blood cells in patients with type 2 diabetes (which translates to a better endurance). 
The study can be read that cardio is the most effective method for weight loss and fat burning. In addition, it is shown strength training can be an important complement  for cardio workout because you thereby maintain lean body mass (bone and muscle) normal.

How To Lose lbs In 4 to 6 Weeks

Being fit and healthy is a challenge in the fast-paced world of today. Weight loss should be treated as a change of lifestyle, not only in the short-term change of eating habits. You can lose pounds in a little over a month if you follow some basic steps to follow strictly, but you need to keep a healthy diet and exercise even after you reach your goal, whether you are at risk of gaining it all back.

Add non starchy vegetables to your diet. Non starchy vegetables all vegetables except peas, corn, potatoes, squash and yam. They have a lot of fiber, low sugar and calorie levels and are usually made up of water. All in all, they are the ultimate diet food.

Stop eating at least three hours before you go to sleep at night. If you sleep, you do not use a lot of energy and sleeping slows down your metabolism. Your body will store the majority of what you eat as fat in the evening. This is a very bad eating habit.

Cut sugar from your diet. Sugar makes you feel full for a very short time, and when the sugar levels in your blood drop you'll feel hungry again. Sugar that you do not burn goes straight to your fat cells. If you get a kick out of sugar after your meal, try a bar of dark chocolate. For four to six weeks, you should stay away from all the sugar, including fruits and dried fruits.

Exercise part of your routine, choose something that is at least mildly entertaining for you, but try to find a combination of cardio exercise and weights. Do at least three times a week, but ideally you should work out five times for one hour each week.

Keep your meals small and eat six to eight times a day. This trick will make your stomach smaller, which will allow you to eat smaller portions, and keeping your blood sugar levels, so there is no drastic ups and downs will, so your craving bad foods.

Eat a lot of things that will keep you full for a long time, such as meat, fish and whole grain carbohydrates. Do not eat things that are white, such as pasta, white bread, white sugar, etc. which are usually the foods that quickly devouring your body. Replace them with their dark or whole grain alternatives.

Drink only water. Juices and carbonated drinks have a lot of sugar in them. If you put a person of tea or coffee, nonfat milk in them and drink without sugar. For motivation, calculate how much sugar you eat only with your cups of coffee each day.

Fat Shrinking Signal

are you overweight and cannot lose weight?? I have the answer that you are looking for 

A question for you, are you overweight and desperately looking to lose a few lbs, but no matter what you do you just can't seem to lose any?  

You are certainly not alone, 1000's of people have exactly the same problem. they go to the gym for hours everyday,  try new diets constantly hoping to lose the lbs, then a couple months down the road they step on the scales again and see either the weight has gone up or is still the same or has gone down slightly. Not the result you were looking for after many months of hard exercises and strict diets.

Don't worry there is an answer to this, it is something that is not know to many people the cause is you probably are Leptin Resistant. you don't need to worry about this anymore as there is a solution to this quite unknown problem if you CLICK HERE and read this amazing article you will be surprised at what it is and the answer to your problems, I know you will be glad you did please have a look then also you please have a look around THIS SITE for different slimming and fitness techniques thanks

There are no one-size fits all rapid fat loss solutions and if you’re looking for some miracle quick fix that promises you’ll lose 20+ pounds in less than a week, I’m sorry…
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2 WEEK DIET Breakthrough

Belly fat is stubborn, but with the right training method, you can burn excess belly fat. Research has shown that the most recommended way to do that, is certainly not the most effective way. What is the most effective way is in this article.

Why belly fat is bad for health?
Effectively burn belly fat, according to research
Short-training with high intensity
Help from the Kettle bell
Abdominal fat burning exercises
The main reason why you want to work out, because you will then stimulate your body to burn fat. When you do the right training, you really put your burning up and stimulate the production of the correct "fat burning hormones", then you actually start to develop a flat stomach.

There is excess abdominal fat in the abdomen, between many important organs such as the stomach, liver, intestines and kidneys. Scientists have shown that there is a strong link between belly fat and various diseases such as cardiovascular disease (Yusuf et al., 2004), Type 2 diabetes (Montague & O'Rahilly, 2000), reduced sensitivity to insulin (Kern et al. , 2001), inflammatory diseases (Marette, 2003), cancer and lung disease (Mokdad et al., 2003). Especially overweight people suffer from abdominal fat, but also when you are overweight you have excess fat on the abdomen. For this reason, the degree of excess abdominal fat is now no longer determined on the basis of the BMI index, which indicates the ratio between the height and weight, but on the basis of the waist circumference. According to this new calculation, men with a waist circumference greater than 94 cm and women with a waist circumference of more than 80cm suffer from excess abdominal fat.

The most recommended workouts for burning belly fat are abdominal exercises and cardio training like jogging or walking. Various studies show that short workouts of high intensity are much more effective.

Researchers (Trapp EC, Chisholm DJ, et al., 2008) trained a group of young women for 15 weeks, three times a week according to a HIIE method (High-Intensity Intermittent Exercise) or short workouts with high intensity and a short rest between exercises. The researchers also had another group of people 15 weeks, three times a week doing cardio workout. Both groups had clearly progressed with respect to their condition, but only the HIIE group had a marked reduction in body fat percentage, visceral fat, and fat around the legs. Also, insulin resistance, it will be insensitive of the body's cells to insulin, only reduced in women in the HIIE group.

American study in 2009 (Irving B, C Davis et al.) Studied a group of middle-aged women who are overweight. All the women had 16 weeks workout, wherein a part of the group, did five days a week with low intensity and a part of the group did three days a week with a high intensity. All women burned 400 calories per session, and the duration of the session was adjusted accordingly. Only in the group that had exercised with high intensity was subcutaneous fat and abdominal fat decreased significantly.

In a publication by Stephen H. Bolt Cher School of Medical Sciences in Australia, several studies in this area compared. The conclusion is that short workouts of high intensity (HIIE) are more effective than any other form of exercise to reduce fat and abdominal fat. Research in 1994 (Tremblay A. et al.) Compared the effects of HIIE with cardio training and found that people in the HIIE group had lost more subcutaneous fat than the cardio group after 24 weeks. The studies also showed that the results came mainly through long-term training (from six weeks) in two to six weeks, the result was still minimal. The results were most spectacular in the studies in which the subjects were overweight. Finally, there was several studies that the main reason for people not to exercise was a lack of time. this proved effective HIIE shorter workouts to be just interesting for people who want to lose fat.

Short workouts with high intensity and short rest between exercises as I said also called High-Intensity Intermittent Exercise either HIIE, also is referred to as High Intensity Interval Training, HIIT, high-intensity training, HIT or Tabata workout. Tabata training is named after a Japanese researcher Dr. Izumi Tabata at the National Institute of Fitness and Sports in Tokyo, in his research (1996), he discovered that interval training at high intensity had much faster results than aerobic training. The research group burned more fat and were more forward in maximal oxygen than an hour endurance training group performed daily. After a Tabata workout is the metabolic rate to increase to 24 hours, according to research. That is partly due to the recovery processes in the body after a similar workout. The muscles are engaged in restoring and replenishing energy and that requires some of the body.

You can enter a Tabata workout or protocol with both cardio training and strength exercises with. The Kettlebell for this is very effective!

The best way to burn belly fat is to balance your hormones so that you have less hormones in your body that stimulate fat storage and produces more hormones that promote fat burning. An important hormone that helps to burn abdominal fat is growth hormone, also referred to as rejuvenation hormone. Proper physical training stimulates your body to produce more growth hormone. So correct exercises, done properly, in the right combination, number of repetitions, sets and rest must be done. Growth hormone is a hormone that your body produces mainly during sleep and is responsible for the repair of cells, such as muscle and skin cells. This hormone is also contributing to the combustion of fat cells. The higher your growth hormone production, the more fat you burn. Doing the most effective training that stimulate the production of growth hormones work best.

Interval training with high intensity, such as the Kettlebell workout is an effective way to stimulate the production of growth hormone and burn easily abdominal fat. In the Kettlebell Workout there are several muscle groups simultaneously trained with a weight that looks a bit like a cowbell, with exercises repeated in large numbers. Scientists from the American University of Wisconsin conducted a study in 2010 on the effects of the Kettlebell Workout and discovered that those 20-minute kettlebell workout burn more fat than people doing an hour in the gym running and weightlifting. Other researchers discovered that this is because the Kettlebell Workout factors such as intensity, duration, number of repetitions and endurance are combined in the right way thereby optimally stimulated growth hormone (Godfrey, Madgwick & Whyte, 2003).

The Tabata Protocol, from the research of Dr. Izumi Tabata, a 5-minute warm-up, 8 sets of 20 seconds effort with 10 second break and a 2-minute cool-down. That's a total of eleven minutes, but in doing so 20 seconds should completely full, similar to a sprint. Constant variety and constant new training stimuli (step on a higher level) necessary to continue to make progress. Within about six workouts your body gets used to this course, then you see no progress. Whatever training you follow, your body gets used to training, therefore you should always vary the exercises to maintain progress. To burn belly fat structurally requires that the right exercises and a variety of exercises, properly executed, in the right combination, intensity, number of repetitions, sets and rest. Also make a plan for yourself for the training sessions per week you need to do.

Based on the proven methods in research the Kettlebell DVD series. Tight Abs Kettlebell Workout is a home fitness method with complete training programs explained on DVD, the warm-up to the last exercise. These courses are fully focused on:

The burning of abdominal fat
Developing stronger muscles on your entire body
Developing tight abs

You build it to achieve maximum results in up to three training sessions per week of 20 minutes. We have worked for 18 weeks training. The problem with most workouts is that they take too long and do not have the right intensity to stimulate the production of growth hormone. Through proper exercise-rest stimulates the Kettlebell Workout up your body's hormone production. The intensity of the training is therefore quite high, which makes 20-25 minutes per workout is more than sufficient for maximum results. You need to perform this workout no more than 2 to 3 times a week to develop all clearly tighter abs in 3 weeks. you can google search to get these DVD's or just CLICK HERE for the ULTIMATE Fat Burning System  

Thursday 17 November 2016

Best Way For Men To Lose Weight

The short answer: lose weight and burn fat is best done through sustained cardio and / or by eating less. Lean body mass (muscle) building goes best with strength training. The combination of both is best to burn fat and build muscle mass. If you want to burn fat you need to simply eat less than you need (negative energy). Want to know exactly how it is? Then read the entire article.

How come you is heavier?

First, it is important to know how it is that you are heavier. your body uses and stores the energy you take in through food and drink. If you have more eating and drinking than you need, your body stores it in fat or muscle mass. Losing weight can be done in several ways: to eat less and / or by increasing your physical activity (sport and exercise). Below is an overview of the latest scientific literature about which method is best.
Endurance training (cardio)
Endurance training (more than 60 minutes per session) is a very effective method of losing weight. Research shows that people are able to lose a half kilos of fat in eight weeks by weekly cardio sessions. [2] A scientific review article shows that to lose weight obese people quickly weekly to do some endurance training. Without adjustment an average of 3 kilos of the participants to the diet lost in 30 weeks [3]. Possibly the effect is even greater when the participants also follow a healthy diet and relatively less to eat. Endurance training is thus a method of losing weight, but not the best method. Why do I explain later in this article.
Intensity, duration or interval?
Interval training is often used to improve the condition because it takes less time and get a better condition. But is also effective interval training to burn fat than endurance training? Endurance and interval training both deliver health benefits, namely increased insulin sensitivity, increased burning of fatty acids and a healthier cardiovascular system. [5] However, research shows that interval training is more effective than endurance training. [6] An interval training is often shorter, so the extra calories burned are outweighed by longer endurance training. If an athlete interval training for as long managed to maintain a long endurance training, it may be possible that there are more calories are burned, giving you yet more calories burned at the end of the line.
It is striking that most participants reported that they found an interval workout more enjoyable than an endurance training [7]. Therefore choose a training method that you like so you can last longer. This way you will end up burning more calories, which leads to a lower fat percentage.
Go even more effective to work. Get good results with our special training and feeding schedules. Take a look at the FIT. Method. More than 200 pages of schedules and information to get started.
Weight training
Strength training is the most effective way to burn calories, but it has several important advantages. Strength training can improve bone density and if you do it right, you develop more muscle [8,9]. Against my expectations shows that strength training leads to minimal weight loss [11]. Various studies show that neglecting the effect of strength training on weight loss [12-14]. Interesting, because I always thought that strength was a perfect way to lose weight-not so true! How is this possible?
Strength training causes your body composition changes [14]. If you're trying to lose weight through strength it may be that your weight remains the same, because you lose fat is offset by increased muscle mass. Possibly strength certainly interesting because your net will lose body fat and looks sleeker.

Research  you can conclude that prolonged cadiotraining (endurance training) certainly is effective for burning fat, but also leads to a small loss of muscle (lean body mass). [2] You just do not want to because those muscles ensure that your metabolism is maintained, making it easier to lose weight or stay on weight. The same is evident from another study in which researchers concluded that cardio training is a great way to lose weight [3]. Ask you whether this is the healthiest method. Researchers compared a group who did a group who did strength training only on cardio. The latter group lost a little bit of fat and got a lot of muscle. However, the group lost both combined a considerable amount of fat and also extra muscle developed; a win-win situation!
Healthy weight loss is to burn fat and maintain or increase your muscle!
Of course, you do not necessarily have to be a beefcake, but that extra muscle makes you easier to lose weight and looks something sleeker.
This is confirmed by another study in obese women, which has been discovered that the combination of strength training and cardio training is more effective than either strength training or cardio. [1] This makes sense, because you burn more calories when you do both. Two other review articles indicate that the combination of strength and cardio no more vetverbrandig leads a unilateral endurance training [15,16]. But the researchers that a combination of the two does lead to better control of blood sugar levels and an increased number of red blood cells in patients with type 2 diabetes (which translates to a better endurance). The study can be read that cardio is the most effective method for weight loss and fat burning. In addition, the researchers that strength training can be an important complement or substitute for cardio workout because you thereby maintains lean body mass (bone and muscle) normal.
What is the best way to lose weight? Strength and cardio! With this combination you lose fat and keep muscle mass intact. Ask your fitness instructor whether he can make a schedule of fitness exercises and cardio.
Calorie restriction and exercise
Caloric restriction, or eat less than you need, can lead to significant weight loss. Researchers showed a group of people 12 weeks less food than they needed; Participants were on average 10 kilograms off [3]. Remarkably, however, is that men lost 2.9 kg lean body mass. Women lost in this study, 2.2 kilograms of fat-free mass. If the same diet regimen followed by strength training, it appears that the decrease in lean mass was only 1.7 kilograms. The researchers suggest that this difference is due to sport ensures that the lean body mass better protection remains because the body retains more water and potassium.
A review article shows that calorie restriction is the most effective method to lose weight and burn fat [4]. The researchers indicate that strength and endurance training can accelerate fat loss and, furthermore, create a number of important health benefits (better endurance and a better functioning cardiovascular system).
Calorie restriction is a quick way to lose weight. Note that you do not lose too much muscle mass during weight loss. Make sure you eat enough protein to inhibit muscle breakdown. In addition, strength can ensure that a portion of the muscular mass remains intact.
Will burn fat fast?
A negative energy will always lead to weight loss. A negative energy you create by eating less and drinking, and / or exercise more. The more negative the energy, the faster you fall down. If you want you can so quickly lose fat and weight .. But if this is healthy? Lets you run the risk that you will not get all the nutrients within which the body needs. For I am not in favor to delete drastically calories this important cause. Furthermore, the risk of relapse big so you end up back at your old weight.
My advice: try to make a realistic long-term planning that you do it in a healthy way. Ask for expert advice from a professional (dietitian, doctor or personal trainer).
If you want to burn fat you need to simply eat less than you need (negative energy). lose weight works best with long-term cardiovascular and whether calorie restriction (less food). By fall just doing strength training you do so quickly. Lean body mass (muscle) building goes best with strength training. The combination of endurance training and strength training is the most healthy and the best way to burn fat and build muscle. I advise my clients to lose weight by combining strength training and cardio (although this takes a bit longer than by merely prolonged cardio and / or a diet with significant calorie restriction).
(Long-term) Clinically significant weight reduction
Increased physical activity 0-1 kg Little to no
Cardio 0-2 kg Possible, sustained training alone
Strength Training - Little to no
Combination of strength and cardio 0-2 kg Possibly, but only sustained cardio training
Calorie restriction and cardiovascular workouts 9-13 kg Possible
Recommendations for weight loss [4]:
* Weight management: at least 150 minutes of exercise per week
* Light weight: 150-250 minutes exercise per week
* Clear Weight: 225-420 minutes exercise per week

* Prevention of heavier after weight loss: 200-300 minutes exercise per week

Monday 14 November 2016

are you overweight and cannot lose weight?? I have the answer that you are looking for

So I need to ask if you are overweight and desperately looking to lose a few lbs just can't seem to lose any?
You are certainly not alone, 1000's of people have exactly the same problem. they go to the gym for hours everyday,  try new diets constantly hoping to lose the lbs, then a couple months down the road they step on the scales again and see either the weight has gone up or is still the same or has gone down slightly. Not the result you were looking for after many months of hard exercises and strict diets.
Don't worry there is an answer to this, it is something that is not know to many people the cause is you probably are Leptin Resistant. you don't need to worry about this anymore as there is a solution to this quite unknown problem if you CLICK HERE and read this amazing article you will be surprised at what it is and the answer to your problems, I know you will be glad you did please have a look then also you please have a look around THIS SITE for different slimming and fitness techniques thanks